Core Values




Prioritising Yourself

Committing to regular classes will enable clients to gain the full benefits of the journey they are on. There is a strong link between commitment and achieving your goals. If you are committed to an end result whether it's to improve your flexibility, to get stronger or to run a 1/2 or full marathon, commitment to training/classes is key!

A strong and determined mindset to commit to a goal. Self discipline allows you to stay focussed on your goals and enables you to stay in control of yourself. It can also have a positive effect on other areas of your life enabling you to transfer it to your health and diet, for example.

Live, love and breathe health and fitness. There is a positive link between passion and commitment. If you are passionate about doing something you love, then your effort levels, motivation and commitment to the goal will be easier to achieve. If you have passion, you will have motivation, if you are motivated you will commit, if you commit you will be disciplined!

No excuses, everyone deserves some 'me' time. Prioritise yourself, prioritise your health.

In our busy lives, with families, jobs, houses to run, it's easy to make excuses not to put yourself no. 1 on the priority list but all of us deserve some time out of the daily routines. Exercise not only benefits you physically but mentally too!

Issy Health Fitness Yoga